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  • Ladder of Jacob | Books

    BOOKS The Mystery of the Mem An exploration of the virgin birth. Third Edition. Google Docs (Free) Kindle ($3.99) Paperback ($14.99) Hardcover ($23.00) The Temptation of Messiah An examination of Yeshua's trial in the wilderness. Google Docs (Free) Kindle (Temporarily Unavailable) Paperback ($14.99) Hardcover ($22.00) The Stone with Seven Eyes An analysis of the Foundation Stone and Mashiach. Google Docs (Free) Kindle (Temporarily Unavailable) Paperback ($14.99) Hardcover ($22.00) The Secret of the Holy Snake An study of the Biblical concept of the Holy Serpent. Second edition in progress. Google Docs (Free) Kindle (Temporarily Unavailable) Paperback (Temporarily Unavailable) Hardcover (Temporarily Unavailable) A Vision of Redemption A deeper perspective of the Land of Israel and Redemption through the Looking Glass. Second edition is in progress. Google Docs (Free) Kindle (Temporarily Unavailable) Paperback (Temporarily Unavailable) Hardcover (Temporarily Unavailable)

  • Bookstore | Ladder of Jacob

    BOOKSTORE Book Store The Mystery of the Mem The Temptation of the Messiah The Stone with Seven Eyes The Secret of the Holy Snake (Coming Soon) A Vision of Redemption Hebrew-English Bible Stone Edition Chumash Strack & Billerbeck I Strack & Billerbeck II Strack & Billerbeck III Torah Chumash Synagogue Edition Kehot Pirkei Avot Kehot Tehillim Kehot Megillat Esther The Prophets The Writings Rashi Or HaChaim Baal HaTurim on the Torah Kedushas Levi The IVP Bible Background Commentary Jewish New Testament Commentary Pirke De Rabbi Eliezer Kol HaTor, The Voice of the Turtledove Tanna Debe Eliyyahu

  • Artwork Store | Ladder of Jacob

    ARTWORK Ladder of Jacob Original Art Esther 8:11 Art Print Revelation 6 - Foam Core Board Revelation 12 Gallery Wrap Jerusalem Cards (10 each) Jewish Art Chai "Life" Art Chassidic Dance Shabbat Candlelighting The Priestly Blessing Calligraphy Israel Watercolor Map

  • Thank You! | Ladder of Jacob

    תודה רבה Todah Rabbah! Thank you! We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your generous donation. ​ Your support allows us to continue our vision of cutting edge research into the Jewish Yeshua to our community without the need for advertisements or paywalls. Your contribution helps cover essential costs such as website maintenance, research materials, and minimal advertising expenses, ensuring we can reach and engage with a wider audience. ​ We are truly blessed by your kindness and commitment to our work. Thank you for believing in our mission and for helping us share knowledge and insights that uplift and inspire. ​ May HaShem bless you abundantly for your generosity. ​ With deepest appreciation, Benjamin Burton Ladder of Jacob

  • Ladder of Jacob | Library

    LIBRARY Bible Tools Tanakh New Testament Rabbinic Apocryphal & DSS Christian Historical Bible Search: Al HaTorah Bible Gateway Bible Hub Blue Letter Bible Bible Society in Israel Bible Study Tools Codex Sinaiticus Online Complete Tanakh with Rashi Delitzsch Hebrew New Testament Intertextual Bible Mechon Mamre Ohr Chadash Gematria Calculator Torah The Complete Tanach with Rashi Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Prophets Joshua Judges 1 Samuel 2 Samuel 1 Kings 2 Kings Isaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Hosea Joel Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah Haggai Zechariah Malachi Writings Psalms Proverbs Job Song of Songs Ruth Lamentations Ecclesiastes Esther Daniel Ezra Nehemiah 1 Chronicles 2 Chronicles Gospels Matthew | מתי Mark | מרקוס Luke | לוקס John | יוחנן Acts Acts of the Apostles | מעשי השליחים Letters Romans | רומיים 1 Corinthians | הראשונה אל־הקורנתיים 2 Corinthians | השנית אל־הקורנתיים Galatians | גלטיים Ephesians | אפסיים Philippians | פילפיים Colossians | קולסים 1 Thessalonians | הראשונה אל־התסלוניקים 2 Thessalonians | השנית אל־התסלוניקים 1 Timothy | הראשונה אל־טימותיוס 2 Timothy | השנית אל־טימותיוס Titus | אל־טיטוס Philemon | פילימון ​ Hebrews Hebrews | עברים ​ General Letters James | יעקוב 1 Peter | האגרת הראשונה לפטרוס 2 Peter | האגרת השנית לפטרוס 1 John | האגרת הראשונה ליוחנן 2 John | האגרת השנית ליוחנן 3 John | האגרת השלישית ליוחנן Jude | יהודה ​ Revelation Revelation | התגלות Links to various texts do not necessarily constitute endorsement, and are included here for research purposes. Most of these texts are linked offsite, and we do not necessarily endorse their views or content. ​ Apocrypha 1st Esdras 2nd Esdras Tobit Judith Additions to Esther Wisdom Baruch Epistle of Jeremiah Book of Susanna Book of Bel and the Dragon Prayer of Manasseh 1 Maccabees 2 Maccabees Wisdom of Jesus ben Sirach Prayer of Azariah Pseudepigrapha The Book of Enoch The Book of the Secrets of Enoch The First Book of Adam and Eve The Second Book of Adam and Eve The Slavonic Book of Adam and Eve The Psalms of Solomon The Odes of Solomon The Letter of Aristeas 4th Book of Maccabees The Story of Ahikar The Book of Jasher Sybilline Oracles The Book of Jubilees Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs Testament Reuben Testament of Simeon Testament of Levi Testament of Judah Testament of Issachar Testament of Dan Testament of Naphtali Testament of Gad Testament of Asher Testament of Joseph Testament of Benjamin Dead Sea Scrolls The Dead Sea Scrolls are a collection of some 981 different texts discovered between 1946 and 1956 in eleven caves in the immediate vicinity of the ancient settlement at Khirbet Qumran in Israel. The caves are located about 2 kilometres inland from the northwest shore of the Dead Sea, from which they derive their name. High Resolution Images of the Isaiah Scroll at the Israel Museum The Divine Throne Chariot The Book of Secrets (1Q27, 4Q299-301) The Thanksgiving Psalms (1QHa) The Parable of the Bountiful Tree (4Q302a) A Baptismal Liturgy (4Q414) The Coming of Melchizedek (11Q13) Tongues of Fire (1Q29, 4Q376) The Book of Giants (4Q203, 1Q23, 2Q26, 4Q530-532, 6Q8) Psalms - Tehillim Phylactery - Tefillin The Community Rule - Serkeh ha-Yahad Calendrical Document - Mishmarot Some Torah Precepts - Miqsat Ma'aseh haTorah Enoch - Hanokh Hosea Commentary - Pesher Hoshea Prayer for King Jonathan - Tefillah li'Shlomo shel Yonatan haMelekh Leviticus - Vayikrah Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice - Shirot Olat haShabbat Damascus Document - Brit Damesek The War Rule - Serekh HaMilchamah Targumim Targumim Mishnah & Talmud Mishnah Talmud Bavli Talmud Yerushalmi Tosefta Tosefta Midrash Aggadat Bereshit Aggadat HaMashiach Aggadat R. Ishmael Bereshit Rabbati Eldad ha-Dani beney Mosheh texts Ein Yaakov Legends of the Jews Mekhilta DeRabbi Ishmael Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon bar Yochai Midrash Aggadah Midrash Lekach Tov Midrash Mishlei Midrash Rabbah Midrash Shmuel Midrash Tanchuma Midrash Tannaim on Devarim Midrash Tehillim Midrash Wa-yosha (end) Nistarot (Secrets of) R. Shimon b. Yohai Otot HaMashiach Otot of R. Shimon b. Yohai Otzar Midrashim Pesikta Rabbati Pesikta de-Rav Kahana Pirkei DeRabbi Elizer Pirqe de-R. Eliezer §30 (end) Pirqe Mashiach Responsum of Hai Gaon on Redemption Seder Olam Zuta Seder Olam Rabbah Sefer Elijah Sefer Zerubbabel Sekhel Tov Sefer HaYashar Sifra Sifrei Bamidbar Sifrei Devarim Sifrei Zuta Tanna DeBei Eliyahu Rabbah Tanna DeBei Eliyahu Zuta Tefillat (Prayer of) R. Shimon b. Yohai Ten Signs Ten Further Things About the Messianic Days Yalkut Shimoni on Torah Yalkut Shimoni on Nach Yelamdenu ​ Torat HaSod Sefer Yetzirah The Bahir Heikhalot Rabbati The Zohar Zohar Chadash Tikkunei Zohar Sha'arei Orah Etz Chayyim Klach Pitchei Chochmah Mishkney Elyon Liturgy Siddurim Machzorim Piyyutim Commentaries​ Abarbanel Alshich Baal HaTurim Bahya Bartenura Bekhor Shor Chizkuni Daat Zekenim Radak Rashi's Commentary on the Torah , Rashi's Commentary on the Torah ,​ Rambam's Mishnah Torah , Ramban's Torah Commentary Shnei Luchot HaBrit Sefer HaMitzvot Tzror HaMor Rambam Iggeret Teiman - The Letter to Yemen Mishneh Torah Moreh Nevuchim Chassidic Tzava'at Harivash - The Testament of the Baal Shem Tov Breslov Likutey Moharan - Rebbe Nachman of Breslov Essential Rebbe Nachman Chabad R' Shneur Zalman of Liadi's Tanya , Sichos in English Modern Writings The Legends of the Jews Tales and Maxims from the Midrash Jewish Encyclopedia R' Aryeh Kaplan Kabbalah & the Age of the Universe Links to various texts do not necessarily constitute endorsement, and are included here for research purposes. Most of these texts are linked offsite, and we do not necessarily endorse their views or content. Herodotus The History of Herodotus ​ Josephus Wars of the Jews Antiquities of the Jews Life of Flavius Josephus (Autobiography) Joseph's Discourse to the Greeks Concerning Hades Against Apion ​ Ancient Near East The Epic of Gilgamesh The Seven Tablets of Creation The Enuma Elish The Code of Hammurabi ​ Links to various texts do not necessarily constitute endorsement, and are included here for research purposes. Most of these texts are linked offsite, and we do not necessarily endorse their views or content. Epistles 1st Epistle of Clement to the Corinthians 2nd Epistle of Clement 1st Epistle of Mathetes to Diognetus Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians Encyclical Epistle of the Church at Smyrna Barnabas Introductory Note to the Epistle of Barnabas The Epistle of Barnabas Ignatius Introductory Note to the Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Magnesians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Trallians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Romans The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philadelphians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Smyrnaeans The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp Introductory Note to the Syriac Version of the Ignatian Epistles The Epistle of Ignatius to Polycarp The Second Epistle of Ignatius to the Ephesians The Third Epistle of the Same St. Ignatius Introductory Note to the Spurious Epistles of Ignatius The Epistle of Ignatius to the Tarsians The Epistle of Ignatius to the Antiochians The Epistle of Ignatius to Hero, a Deacon of Antioch The Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians The Epistle of Maria the Proselyte to Ignatius The Epistle of Ignatius to Mary at Neapolis, Near Zarbus The Epistle of Ignatius to St. John the Apostle A Second Epistle of Ignatius to St. John The Epistle of Ignatius to the Virgin Mary Introductory Note to the Martyrdom of Ignatius The Martyrdom of Ignatius Papias Introductory Note to the Fragments of Papias Fragments of Papias Irenaeus Introductory Note to Irenaeus Against Heresies Irenaeus Against Heresies Book I Book II Book III Elucidation Book IV Book V Fragments from the Lost Writings of Irenaeus Postscript Justin Martyr Introductory Note to the 1st Apology of Justin Martyr The First Apology of Justin The Second Apology of Justin Dialogue of Justin Justin's Hortatory Address to the Greeks Justin on the Sole Government of God Fragments of the Lost Work of Justin on the Resurrection Other Fragments from the Lost Writings of Justin Introductory Note to the Martyrdom of Justin Martyr The Martyrdom of the Holy Martyrs Origen Introduction Letter of Origen to Gregory Origen's Commentary on the Gospel of John Book I Book II Fragments of the Fourth Book From the Fifth Book Sixth Book Tenth Book Introduction to the Commentaries on Matthew From the 2nd Book of the Commentary on Matthew Book II Book X Book XI Book XII Book XIII Book XIV Christian Texts (Syriac and Arabic) Alexander Legend Apocalypse of Daniel Bahira Legend Edessene Apocalypse Gospel of the Twelve Apostles John of Fenek, Rīš Mellē book XV Pseudo-Ephrem (Syriac) Pseudo-Methodius Questions of Ezra the Scribe Testament of Adam New Testament Apocrypha Paul to the Laodiceans New Testament Pseudepigrapha The Gospel of Thomas The Gospel of Peter Apocalypse of Peter Christian Creeds Nicean Creed Athanasian Creed

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  • Store | Ladder of Jacob

    STORE Apparel See more Ladder of Jacob Hat Black Rebbe Yeshua Kippah White Rebbe Yeshua Kippah Ladder of Jacob T-Shirt Artwork See more Esther 8:11 Art Print Revelation 6 - Foam Core Board Revelation 12 Gallery Wrap The Priestly Blessing Art Chassidic Dance Chai "Life" Art Shabbat Candle Lighting Books See more The Mystery of the Mem The Temptation of the Messiah The Stone with Seven Eyes The Secret of the Holy Snake (Coming Soon) A Vision of Redemption Hebrew-English Bible Stone Edition Chumash Strack & Billerbeck I Strack & Billerbeck II Strack & Billerbeck III Kehot Pirkei Avot Kehot Tehillim Kehot Megillat Esther Artscroll Rashi on Torah The IVP Bible Background Commentary Jewish New Testament Commentary Pirke De Rabbi Eliezer Kol HaTor, The Voice of the Turtledove Tanna Debe Eliyyahu Rebbe Nachman's Torah, Genesis Rebbe Nachman's Torah, Exodus-Leviticus Rebbe Nachman's Torah, Numbers-Deuteronomy Messiah Texts The Wisdom in the Hebrew Alphabet Letters of Light Judaica See more Yair Emanuel Havdalah Set Yair Emanuel Challah Board with Built-In Salt Bowl Metallic Grey Mezuzah Zion Judaica Kiddush Cup Set Yair Emanuel Mezuzah Pomegranate Mezuzah Case Woman of Valor Ceramic Vase Woman of Valor Candlestick Holders Woman of Valor Tidbit Trays Woman of Valor Serving Platter Yair Emanuel Candlestick Holders Yair Emanuel Shabbat Candlestick Holders Ladder of Jacob See more Ladder of Jacob Coffee Mug Ladder of Jacob Paperweight Ladder of Jacob Sticker Ladder of Jacob Magnet Ladder of Jacob Acrylic Logo Art (Blue) Ladder of Jacob Acrylic Logo Art (Clear) Ladder of Jacob Square Keychain Ladder of Jacob Acrylic Keychain Ladder of Jacob Mousepad

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